- M.S. in Civil Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
- B.S. in Civil Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Emily Goodenough
Emily is FACTOR’s Chief People Officer and drives FACTOR’s emphasis on being a people-oriented company where employees are engaged and valued as vital contributors and partners. She is an expert software designer and project manager with detailed knowledge of complex risk analysis and modeling, hazardous material routing and risk assessment, GIS-based system design and implementation, and emergency response planning for both transportation networks and fixed facilities. With over 23 years of experience as a project manager, application designer, and analyst focused on risk management, Emily is a sought-after consultant and client liaison, presenting client solutions as best practices for industry-wide adoption and for regulatory compliance.
Emily is a principal architect of two complex GIS applications: the Rail Corridor Risk Management System (RCRMS) used by the US Rail Industry to manage the risk of hazardous materials transportation and FACTOR’s VRiskROUTE™ application used by chemical shippers for highway and rail route risk assessment. Recently, as project manager and principal architect, she lead the development of a GIS-based application utilizing marine vessel tracking to estimate vessel movement traffic patterns and collision risk expectancy for the offshore oil and gas industry. Additionally, for the past 14 years, she has managed and architected various geospatial application solutions to support emergency operations at a client’s nuclear facility.
Emily is also a nationally recognized expert on the subject of hazardous materials transportation risk assessment and is an appointed member of the National Academies of Science–Transportation Research Board’s Hazardous Materials Committee.