Risk Management Workspace

Project Details
The Risk Management Workspace provides a user-friendly way to display and communicate risk information and perform additional analyses that rely on geospatial information. FACTOR developed GIS-based risk mapping tools to enhance the U.S. Coast Guard’s Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model (MSRAM) to equip port security managers with advanced mapping, risk visualization, and analysis tools to help inform decision-making. RMW integrates with existing MSRAM data and supports data enhancement and display. Users can create asset areas, footprints, containers, pathways, and other geospatial layers to supplement the MSRAM risk data. This geospatial content produces high-resolution profiles of MSRAM targets, which in turn, increases risk comprehension.
What is MSRAM?
MSRAM is a probabilistic risk assessment tool used by the U.S. Coast Guard to quantify the risk of terrorist attacks on targets within the maritime domain. MSRAM data is used at the field and headquarters levels to provide risk-informed support to strategic, operational, tactical, and regulatory decisions.
How FACTOR improves risk communication
There is a massive benefit to simply being able to view asset locations on a map rather than in a database or spreadsheet. We helped enhance RMW display and added mapping and target icons color-coded by their MSRAM risk level (e.g., low, medium, high). Analysts are now able to quickly identify (1) asset densities, (2) risk densities, and (3) incorrectly located assets.
We combined U.S. Census population data and chemical dispersion modeling to help visualize risk from terrorist threats and high consequence events including potential attacks, chemical spills, radiological releases, and explosive blasts.
How FACTOR supports analysis and risk management
The RMW can perform geospatial analyses that include affected population counts, expected fatalities and injuries from toxic/flammable chemical releases or attacks with explosives, ‘as-the-fish-swims’ determination of likely targets to boat-based attacks, and modeling law enforcement marine-based response times and coverage.
Here are some of the tools and techniques we use within the Risk Management Workspace
SCIPUFF Chemical Plume Dispersion Model
The SCIPUFF (Second-order Closure Integrated Puff) model, developed by Sage Management, estimates the area exposed to specific concentrations of a released chemical based on a wide range of material and meteorological data.
Geospatial Web Services
Web Services tied to ArcGIS servers support complex, performance intensive geospatial computations and tool development that can be shared with users anywhere.
ArcGIS for Desktop
ArcGIS for Desktop is ESRI’s standard desktop software environment. ESRI is the leader in geographic information systems. FACTOR is a long-term ESRI business partner and uses the full suite of their products and development tools.